
Experience(In years)

Area Of Interest

Education Qualification

Special Achievement

Work Experience


Skills & Knowledge


Courses Taught

Academic Achievement


Research Project

Professional Institution Memberships

Expert Lecture

Masters of Engineering (Communication Systems)


Electronics, Embedded systems, Artificial Intelligence

B.E. (Electronics & Communication)

 Student’s Mentor for the project “IOT based Smart Street Light system” in Smart India Hackathon Event (Phase-1) -2020

16 years

 Kavita V. Singala, Kiran R. Trivedi, “Analysis of EEG Spectrum Bands aiding to read  Human Mental States”, in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization techniques,[2016]©[IEEE],                             doi:[ 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7754983], pp.183-185  2. Kavita V. Singala, Kiran R. Trivedi, “Connection setup of OpenVibe tool with EEG headset, Parsing and Processing of EEG signals”, in 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing,[2016]©[IEEE], doi:[10.1109/ICCSP.2016.77542-78], pp.902-906.      1. Kavita V. Singala, Kiran R. Trivedi, “Comparative study of software tools for analysis of EEG signals,” Proc. of 2016 National Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Engineering, pp.48-51.   2. Kavita V. Singala, Kiran R. Trivedi,“Acquisition and Computation of EEG Spectrum Average using OpenVibe under specific Mental State,” Proc. of 2016 6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, pp.33.

Software Tools

 “MATLAB Programming for Electronics Application”, NITTTR, Bhopal, India, March 2014

Microwave and RADAR engineering

 Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)! (University of Michigan), Feb 20

Institute Gymkhana committee member, Institute Girls Hostel committee convener, Institute Pedagogy committee member, Department Internal exam committee convener,

Master’s Thesis:- “Development of Hardware Prototype for Mind- Reading Using analysis of Brainwaves”

Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 130013)

Expert lecture on “Internet of things” at STTP on “Enhancing performance of technical teachers” at Dr.J.N.Mehta Government Polytechnic, Amreli