Bio Medical Engineering
Diploma In Bio Medical Engineering
Department Vision
Biomedical Engineering is a highly interdisciplinary and upcoming field of technology. Being an integrating medium for two dynamic professions, Medicine and Engineering, this discipline has the broad objective of assisting in the struggle against illness and disease by providing tools and techniques for research, diagnosis and treatment.
The course of Biomedical Engineering at AVPTI – Rajkot was offered in the year of 2009, where the boundaries between disciplines fade for defining excellence in teaching and education. Biomedical Engineering Department is equipped with Latest Infrastructural Facilities of Lecture Halls, Practical Performance Laboratories, and Computer Laboratory. Laboratories are having the latest instruments like X-Ray, ECG, Centrifuge, Defibrillator Blood Cell counter, auto Analyzer etc.
To cater quality biomedical engineers who bridge the gap between medical science & engineering with technical knowledge for providing solutions to the healthcare problems which will enhance the quality of life.
Department Mission
M1: To develop & deliver quality education to empower the technical skills of students to meet the industry standards.
M2: To bridge the gap at the interface between medical science & engineering.
M3: To impart the sufficient proportion of engineering knowledge, attitudes & ethics in students to enable them take up positions of social responsibility & make significant contribution to nation.
M4: To nurture the entrepreneurial ability among students.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO I: Demonstrate their technical competence & professional skills into actions to solve wide range of challenges in the field of biomedical engineering & related fields.
PEO II: To provide self directed learning with management principles to identify & create professional opportunities in the field of study.
PEO III: To develop skills required for communication in their field to deliver value added continuing knowledge for sustained growth beneficial for society.
PEO IV: Employ excellence, leadership, entrepreneurship, social, professional and ethical responsibility in their chosen fields of Biomedical Engineering.
PEO V: To prepare undergraduates capable of upholding and expanding their technical competence through lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
PSO-I: An ability to apply knowledge to solve the problems in the field of biomedical engineering at the interface of engineering, biology and physiology.
PSO-II: An understanding of method to apply domain knowledge in the maintenance of biomedical instruments, the analysis of biological systems, and the technological advancement for health care.
Student Intake : 60 + 3 (TFWS)
Shift : (I) – Morning
Faculties : 7
LABS : 2
Classrooms : 3