Design Innovation Council SPOKE
Ministry of Education Design-centred innovation is a force multiplier that can help the country move up the value chain, making Indian industry globally competitive. In this context, Ministry of Human Resource Development proposes to launch a National Initiative for Design Innovation in the Twelfth Plan.
Under this initiative, 20 new Design Innovation Centres (DIC), one Open Design School (ODS) and a National Design Innovation Network (NDIN), linking together all these schools, would be set up. ODS would ensure maximum reach of design education and practice in the country through various collaborative education programmes (linking a broad spectrum of educational institutions), and free sharing of its courseware through the Internet. NDIN would be a network of design schools that work closely with other leading institutions of industry and academia, NGOs and government to further the reach and access of design education, to pro-mote design innovation in all sectors, and to develop wide-ranging collaborative projects between institutions. ODS and NDIN would also raise the standards of design education and innovation in the country through various initiatives including the creation of fabrication labs and digital media zones across educational institutions on a large scale.
Design Innovation Centre (DIC) is a project of the Gujarat Technological University (GTU) funded by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India in May 2018. The Gujarat Technological University, Design Innovation Centre is to provide a platform to students, faculty members and researcher having enthusiastic for learning and creativity, and passion to convert their ideas into design innovations.
The basic purpose of setting up Design Innovation Centres is to: The basic purpose of setting up Design Innovation Centres is to:
o Promote a culture of innovation and creative problem solving;
o Promote knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst industry, academia, Government Institutions, research laboratories, etc;
o To serve as a location for the industrial collaborators to encourage their new Product Development in the campus using in-house facilities.
o To serve as a place that imparts design-based education and practice systematic design through projects.
o To enhance interdisciplinary design-focused innovation and creativity. o To facilitate interdisciplinary design-focused education, research and entrepreneurial activities in order to create commercial opportunities and build partnerships between academics and industry.
o To promote, nurture and advance the culture of design and innovation in the country leading to significant contributions and breakthroughs impacting quality of human life.
o To create an ecosystem facilitating students and faculty to take their innovative ideas from classrooms/labs to market/people.
o To facilitate evolution of new models of academia-industry interactions as well as academia- social interactions and develop institutional networks for innovations in the thematic areas. o To promote innovations which are both inclusive and disruptive.
o To build a flagship programme in the areas of design and innovation which can be replicated in other institutes/universities in our country.
o To promote all forms of innovations in the complete value chain from process to product, including innovation as a discipline itself.
o To promote increased interactions/collaborations with institutes/organizations World-wide working in the areas of design and innovation.
Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements. This section does not state specific requirements. Instead, it provides a background for those requirements, which are defined in section 3, and makes them easier to understand. In a sense, this section tells the requirements in plain English for the consumption of the customer. Section3 will contain a specification written for the developers.
1. A.V. Parekh Technical Institute – Rajkot
A.V Parekh Technical Institute abbreviated as AVPTI Established by Govt. of Gujarat, in the field of Diploma Engineering education promoting project based and outcome-based learning in field of Bio-Medical, Computer, Instrumentation & Control, Electrical, Electronics & Communications and Computer Aided Costume Design.A.V Parekh Technical Institute abbreviated as AVPTI Established by Govt. of Gujarat, in the field of Diploma Engineering education promoting project based and outcome-based learning in field of Bio-Medical, Computer, Instrumentation & Control, Electrical, Electronics & Communications and Computer Aided Costume Design.
This association will encourage and lead to collaborative teaching initiatives, innovative research, curiosity driven development. If student is to discover what they are good at, what they like, and what they are like, then they will need variety in their extracurricular activities, and a broad assortment of toys and other learning aids to make it possible. This will provide us an opportunity to improve learning abilities in diploma student and the student’s products developed at DIC, GTU will play a major role in prolonged learning. This centre will also provide a platform for the students of AVPTI to be a part of the innovation process through various workshops, seminars and exhibitions.