Internal Complaint Cell
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is India’s first law against prevention, prohibition, and redressal of sexual harassment for women at the workplace. The Act, along with its rules, is collectively called the POSH law. The POSH Act of 2013 builds upon the Vishaka guidelines laid out in 1997 by the Supreme Court of India. The act applies to women working in the private, government, and informal sectors.
Female Students, Female Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, should not hesitate of reporting any incident of sexual harassment by any student, faculty or Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff as a victim or as a witness. All institutions must have a committee and a separate cell to deal with these kinds of issues. If any such incident comes to the notice of the authorities, action should be taken against the erring Students/Official/Faculties members promptly under intimation of UGC.
The committee has to ensure suitable steps have been taken to create awareness of the topic. If in case any person approaches any of the committee members, the member is immediately required to inform others. A written complaint is required to be taken from the aggrieved person necessary action is to be taken, preferably to settle the matter through counseling and conciliation as soon as possible. If the matter is not so sorted, an inquiry is to be conducted and the matter to be sorted out within 10 days from the date of complaint.
Roles and Responsibility
The institute is committed to providing a learning and working environment free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment. Providing prompt and effective resolution of incidents of discrimination and sexual harassment, and encourages informal resolution of discrimination complaints as close to the source as possible. The institute has defined a committee constituted under the regulations with following objectives.
To fulfill the directive of the Supreme Court, as per UGC directives and the Gujarat Technological University in respect of implementing a policy against sexual harassment in the institution.
To evolve a mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender based violence in the institution.
Submit an Annual Report (Including details like the number of case files at their disposal, etc.)
Bring about awareness about what comprises ‘sexual harassment’ at the workplace by way of workshops, posters, documents, notices, seminars, etc.
Publicize the policy framework effectively
Provide the victims with a safe and accessible mechanism of complaint
Initiation of inquiry at the earliest
Redress the complaints in a judicious manner
Provide an opportunity for conciliation wherever possible
Whenever required, forward the complaint to the police
Submit the inquiry report along with recommendations
Maintain confidentiality in regard to the proceedings taking place before the Committee<!–[if !supportLists]–>
Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment
- The Policy on Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment against Women establishes the Women Development and sexual harassment Committee and deals with the definition, prohibition, prevention, and redressal of sexual harassment at its workplace. The names and contact details of the current members of the Committee are also provided. Female Students, Female Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, should not hesitate of reporting any incident of sexual harassment by any person as a victim or as a witness.
- For reporting complaints and information about an incident of harassment at AVPTI campus or involving AVPTI members, please contact any of the following Internal Complaint Committee below. The Committee is bound by strict rules to appropriately handle such information and maintain confidentiality — as described in the policy below.
Official email:
Committee Members are:
No. | Name | Position held in committee |
1 | Miss A. R. Rathod(CACDDM) | Chair Person |
2 | Smt. R. B. Jani(EC) | Member |
3 | Kum. D. J. Kapupara(EE) | Member |
4 | Kum. P.M. Soneji(IC) | Member |
5 | Shri M. M. Chavda(EE) | Member |
6 | Miss K. D. Sanghani(EE) | Member |
7 | Kum. Rajvi Makheha | Student member |
8 | Kum. Aditi Piplotjarpara | Student member |